8 results for stemmed:protoplasm

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 616, September 20, 1972 protoplasm amoeba conform Willy cat

(“I realized that Seth had a great amount of information all gathered and there, including the biological foundations of both characteristics. Take the amoeba, a one-celled microscopic animal, for instance: I knew that the protoplasm in the amoeba, the essential living matter, represents the individual needing-to-go-out quality. Yet the protoplasm must conform to its environment — in this case the amoeba’s ‘body,’ which can only move as a unit when directed by the individualistic need to react to stimuli.

(“The protoplasm, while reacting ‘on its own,’ has to take the cell form into consideration; this insures the integrity of the whole unit. To move, the protoplasm must necessarily move the whole thing.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, March 12, 1968 peace space banter solve sorrowful

Out of the goodness of my invisible heart, I will let our friend Ruburt rest, but be assured that I am not some general mass of invisible protoplasm, you see. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 cells memory twenty reborn body

3. Let’s define the cell in ordinary terms as a tiny, very complex unit of protoplasm. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes

1. As defined in Note 9 for Session 682, in Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality: “Chromosomes are microscopic bodies into which the protoplasmic substance of a cell nucleus separates during cell division. [...]

TES4 Session 189 September 20, 1965 Beach Instream York test script

The protoplasm is not entirely physical, however, but in a basic manner is a meeting ground between physical matter and inner vitality. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972 doll tone flood chords space

1. For those who have forgotten: Chromosomes are microscopic bodies into which the protoplasmic substance of a cell nucleus separates during cell division. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 682 February 13, 1974 units propensities unpredictability probable selection

9. Chromosomes are microscopic bodies into which the protoplasmic substance of a cell nucleus separates during cell division. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

[...] DNA is an essential component of the protoplasmic substance of which genes and chromosomes are formed in the cell nucleus, and governs the heredity of all living things.