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TPS1 Session 369 (Deleted) October 4, 1967 conscientious overly spontaneous self deeply

The overly conscientious self is also deeply emotional, though in Ruburt it often hides under the guise of intellectualism. In one way the spontaneous self used the church as long as it could, as an outlet for its own rich emotional extension. The overly conscientious self fears to use the word of God, or the word God. Ruburt thinks this is because he is afraid of being made to feel a fool. In actuality the overly conscientious self has not been educated, and is deeply terrified that Ruburt is taking false gods.

The overly conscientious self defines good in rather narrow terms, and no effort has been made to reeducate it, or very little. Ruburt as a child was highly mystical, and also overly conscientious and overdemanding of himself, and afraid of his own spontaneity and natural appetites.

Some of the very attitudes considered good by the spontaneous self were diametrically opposed to the ideas of good held by the overly conscientious self. Writing had always united the personality. The direction of the writing changed, and this further seemed to threaten basic held inner beliefs of the overly conscientious self.

TPS1 Session 370 (Deleted) October 9, 1967 conscientious Nancy mother demand overly

Now, indeed, his upset over your intimate life is a good sign. The anger, for there is anger, is against the overly conscientious self, and he should know this. [...] Do not press overly, for sexual response. [...] The affection without demand must first lull the overly conscientious self, for it needs to be quieted and relaxed.

[...] The overly conscientious self is overly orderly.

[...] Finally we used her pendulum to learn that her overly conscientious self did not want a session this evening. [...]

TES8 Session 361 August 16, 1967 Van Ray Parapsychology Mr Burke

(Ray Van Over is leaving the Parapsychology Foundation sometime soon to launch his own business, which involves publishing. [...] Then Jane, speaking for Seth, gave the initials W C, as those of a person very involved in Ray Van Over’s publishing venture.

[...] The witness other than myself was Mr. Raymond Van Over, associate editor of the Parapsychology Foundation of 29 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019.

(Jane and I left F. Fell’s office, where the 360th session had been held, at about 11:45 AM, with an appointment to meet Mr. Van Over at about noon. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 3, 1979 conscientious perfectionist gloried virtuous inferior

This session you read (the 367th) applied mostly to Ruburt, yet you also have what I will call an overly conscientious self in battle with the spontaneous self (a fact I’m well aware of, and had discussed with Jane before tonight’s session). [...] Why not—since Ruburt was nicely expressing the overly conscientious selves of both of you?

[...] I read it over just before tonight’s session began, and was able to reaffirm my opinion that it’s still one of the best; at the same time it aroused questions, for it deals with causes in the past. [...]

(At this writing at least I plan to spend evenings typing new session material, and in the time left over to restudy the past material in the hopes of putting it all together with and/or without Seth’s help. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 21, 1979 account rewards savings bank Framework

[...] You must change over that account now. [...] You do not concentrate upon the old, comparatively lesser returns, but you consider the account turned over, where for the same amount of effort your rewards will be far more than doubled. [...]

(I haven’t had a chance to talk it over with Jane yet—not until I get this session typed—but I’d like Seth to talk about the part others play when we, for example, do change over our accounts. [...]

Today you changed a bank account over from an ordinary savings account to what you might call a super-account, where the very same amount of money will give you approximately twice as much interest. [...]

TES9 Notes by RFB July 20, 1969 Aldrin Armstrong moon module rfb

(Actually my concern was over some kind of accident to Armstrong after he & Aldrin had left the lunar module or landing craft—this I believe is scheduled for 2:17 AM Monday, according to [this morning’s] Sunday paper.

[...] Aldrin was standing close by—a few feet away, & approaching and/or bending over Armstrong. [...]

[...] Still, I felt no concern over my experience.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 22, 1983 spasms surmised legs houseboat Margaret

[...] The stage will shortly be over, however. [...] When it is over he will have far better use of his arms and legs, as they will work together more smoothly. [...]

[...] Margaret Bumbalo invited me over for supper, and I didn’t know whether to accept or not, since I wanted to be sure I got this session typed. [...] Margaret said that when she looks at Jane now she sees something beside skin stretched over bone. [...]

[...] I’d also said I wanted to go over the last two sessions with her, plus some older ones.)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 7, 1971 adjacent Mu step road iv

(To Rachel C.) And I have been over to see you if you have not been over to see me. [...]

[...] It is difficult for me to keep my voice down when my old friend is over there (Rachel Clayton), and if it were not too late I would have you all Mu a good loud and cheery Mu. [...]

([Rachel:] “I knew you were over, Seth. [...]

TPS1 Session 393 (Deleted) February 14, 1968 discipline spontaneous integration unreasoning propulsion

The overly-disciplined self could not be hidden now. [...] The physical symptoms represented the conflict as the overly disciplined self again tried to take over the reins. [...]

[...] The pendulum had swung too far over in both of your cases, to a discipline that became static and frozen. [...]

[...] The hidden and bedrock, latent, strong conscientious self then rose up and took over control, and would not give the spontaneous self then back any of the reins.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 14, 1971 acceleration crocodile piggyback Gert daydream

Now before we go into the messages that you were given, I give my warmest welcome over here to our renegade from New York and this jailbird over here in the corner. [...]

[...] Our cousin of Richelieu over here, however, did, and the message was repeated the following evening with a noted lack of success as far as memory was concerned. [...]

(To Joel.) You know I am going to say this to our friend of the idiot flowers over there. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 18, 1972 Lawrence Natalie lurch portals suitor

[...] In the other sequence you were a woman and our friend over here (Natalie) was a very unfaithful suitor and you believed him implicitly and he left you, as the saying goes, in the lurch. [...] And you are also getting back at our friend over here by coming as a couple to class while she now comes alone. [...]

Now let our guardian of the portals over there close the door and this time, once again, listen to the chanting and I will not give you any instructions. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 8, 1984 suicide youngsters lowest upward escapist


Starting over — changing one’s beliefs, is a bold endeavor. [...]

(3:28.) If we are talking about starting over, however, we may as well begin at one of the lowest points and work upward. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: June 1, 1984 panel Robert Oil Conz Sr

In terms of earthly life as you understand it, it is overly optimistic to imagine that eventually all illnesses will be conquered, all relationships be inevitably fulfilling, or to foresee a future in which all people on earth are treated with equality and respect. [...]

What we are going to have to do, then, is start over. [...]

[...] Then a moment later there came a “Doctor Blue” emergency summons over the hospital’s loudspeaker system. [...]

TES8 Session 398 March 11, 1968 father rung Ruth boy loaned

[...] At birth the past reincarnated self may in some cases refuse or be unable to let go control over physical matter. When this happens there is awareness on the part of the new personality of the old life, but more, a clinging over, a tenacious holding onto, on the part of the previous self.

[...] It is as if an artist found the last painting showing up over and over in the next one. [...]

(The above in answer to a question of mine, mentioned over the weekend.)

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 28, 1971 Sumari Lawrence Mu Chet ancient

[...] You are like our friend over here (Phil) nine months ago. [...]

[...] Two of you over here in the corner here (Ron and Laurie) have still to learn that you are Sumari, but it does not matter whether you accept the fact that you are Sumari or not, because you are. [...]

(To Chet.) Over here, however, is what seems to be a young gentleman from a strange town who is attending class for the first time. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 5, 1979 moral conscientious typeface judgment pedantic

[...] The pendulum, incidentally, agreed that my concern over the typeface caused my concerned feelings after supper. [...]

Now: the overly conscientious self is opinionated, closed-minded, pedantic. [...]

It is possible to be opinionated at times, closed-minded, and pedantic, in good normal behavior—but when certain characteristics group together, then you have the formation of an overly-conscientious self, which acts in a repetitive manner, always showing these fairly rigid characteristics. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 20, 1971 Hess baiting fun Let vitality

[...] Let it show you portions of your own identity as it has with our cousin of Richelieu (to Bette) and our secretary over here (Natalie). Let it lead you into other aspects of consciousness and vitality as it is with our friend over here and to open doors of feeling as it has with you (Alison Hess). [...]

With one word to our baiting friend over here. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Silver Dream Fragment February 14, 1981 silver silverware servants sterling serviceable

[...] or that my over-care of them has turned them into functional serviceable tools.... [...] gain being overly concerned with their utility.... [...]

[...] I’m obviously interrupting so I sit down gingerly till the affair is over. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 16, 1971 Kyle Bobby Joel blessings saintly

Now, a moment, for we are getting something over here (to Bobby) and also over here (to Natalie). [...]

[...] She does not have anything over you now. [...] And do not let her put one over on you. [...]

(To Sue.) For this one over here, no probable self is at the mercy of negative thoughts of yours. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 14, 1971 Sumari Rob language Femtori Grendah

[...] Now do not, and this is for you over there (student) and you over there (another student) do not, in Ruburt’s terms, get hung up over what words mean. [...]

[...] Again in your dreams, if you are quick enough to catch them, (to Janice) you will find some surprises and also over here (to Gert) and in your feelings, not intellectualized feelings, but in your feelings in the relationships set up this evening with the three of you, there are some hints for you, so see that you discover what they are. [...]

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