20 results for stemmed:orbit

TES9 Session 443 October 21 1968 ionosphere pyramid crew flight orbit

(Again a surprise, since we hadn’t thought of asking Seth for any data re the astronauts due for reentry tomorrow morning. This is for the Apollo 7, our first three-man spacecraft, in orbit for 11 days—a highly successful flight. We haven’t read of any experiments the crew might have conducted involving the ionosphere; or any other experiments, actually.)

(Smile.) As long as he does not attempt to orbit the earth. Now. The activity of the ions, only slightly outside of the expected, will nevertheless make it plain that the scientists do not have predicted activity. Their predictions were based upon hypotheses that were not checked because it was not possible to check them under real conditions until this flight.

The Russians have already discovered this. Now the irritability of the crew (Shirra, Eisele and Cunningham) is not due as Ruburt suspected to relative and also symbolic isolation, although this does have some bearing. It is due instead to the length of time spent in the relative orbit chosen, and electromagnetic variations at this level that affect brain, and to some extent motor activity. The report of the crew members will also point out some impairment of motor activity—an erratic rather than smooth nervous reaction.

UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

[...] It is as valid — far more valid — as an orbiting city in the sky, in physical terms, and it challenges your creative abilities much more. [...]

UR2 Appendix 25: (For Session 732) counterparts Norma Herriman Peter Granger

(I suppose that one can find all sorts of variations within counterpart situations, all sorts of reasons for such affiliations, so I can merely hint at a few here as they rise out of the class framework or orbit around it:

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 560, November 23, 1970 drama Christ twelve disciples God

[...] As Christ was surrounded by the disciples, so the inner self is surrounded by these physically oriented characteristics, each drawn outward toward daily reality on the one hand, and yet orbiting the inner self.

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971 particles ee faster m.h units

[...] The inner vortex of some such particles has a much greater velocity than the orbiting portions. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970 civilization violence Lumanians technology caves

(“Do you mean a different ‘orbit’?”)

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

[...] Mission officials decided that for reasons of safety Columbia would land after a two-day flight instead of staying up for the planned five days; the 83 orbits were reduced to 36. The crew did successfully test the orbiter’s multijointed robot arm, however. [...]

[...] Amid the economic difficulties in our own country, and after a number of often very expensive delays, the second flight of our shuttle spacecraft, Columbia, came due on November 4. Of primary importance was to be the testing in space of the 50-foot-long remote-control robot arm, which had been designed to place satellites in orbit and retrieve them for service and repair. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 733 January 27, 1975 massive jigsaw greed counterparts utter

If you could orbit your planet in a different kind of craft, you could view the psychic contents of the world, seeing the world consciousness shining far more brilliantly than any lighted city. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979 particles meson protons smaller eccentric

[...] Talk about motion: The average electron orbits its atomic nucleus about a million times each billionth of a second (or nanosecond)!

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 645, March 5, 1973 core bridge beliefs invisible sensual

If you think of these as planets, then your other ideas orbit about them. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972 beliefs tongue yourself false flesh

[...] The flesh that seemed so solid turns out to be composed of swiftly moving particles — often orbiting each other — in which great exchanges of energy continually occur.

UR1 Section 1: Session 682 February 13, 1974 units propensities unpredictability probable selection

[...] It would be very large when compared to Seth’s basic unit of consciousness, but because an electron can “move” from the orbit of one nucleus to that of another without traversing the space between, the electron can still furnish a crude analogy to the ability of those units of consciousness to “appear in several places at once, and without going through space.”

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

[...] This spin isn’t the orbital motion of the electron around a nucleus, however, but (very briefly) is actually more a measure of the electron’s magnetic field.

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

[...] (Pause.) In greater terms the cell is a huge physical universe, orbiting an invisible CU; and in your terms the CU will always be invisible — beyond the smallest phenomenon that you can perceive with any kind of instrument. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974 Perspective program screen jacket hat

[...] A psychic marketplace, for example, where ideas are exchanged, a place of psychic commerce, a pleasant environment with quite definite coordinates, established as an “orbiting satellite” on the outskirts of your world.

UR2 Appendix 21: (For Session 721) counterparts Florence Maumee androgyny Appendix

[...] She wrote about a series of Aspect selves orbiting a nonphysical source self, then continued: “Imagine a multidimensional Ferris wheel, each separated section being an Aspect self. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 3 Friday, April 16, 1982 sinful thyroid superhuman gland hospital

[...] Around those beliefs civilizations evolved and religions orbited. [...]

SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

[...] Imagine our planet swinging through its orbit independently of the sun’s illumination. [...]

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] An atom, then, is composed of a “heavy” positively charged nucleus orbited by “lighter” negatively charged electrons. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

On April 12 the space shuttle Columbia was launched into orbit around the earth, and I thought that Jane was complementing that obvious exploration of outside space by exploring inner space with the only vehicle she had available—her own mind. [...]