2 results for stemmed:gong

TPS2 Session 605 January 17, 1972 pyramids chanting sound gong bleed

(I opened my eyes. Jane opened hers, and I could see that Seth was present. I described what I had experienced, not knowing if I had accomplished anything even remotely approaching what he had in mind. “I don’t know why,” I added, “but I associated the square base of the pyramid with this gong effect. It was as though I could see this shape especially well while listening to the gong sound, which was quite prolonged actually. It seemed to repeat itself. Like the chants, which were pretty monotonous, up and down a few notes on the scale. They weren’t pitched very high, either.”)

(In a few moments I seemed to visualize a pyramid shape that was based on pictures I remembered of the actual structures in Egypt. This was very pleasant. I seemed to be above the building looking down at it. This image, on a slight angle, was probably more subjective than objective. Then I seemed to feel a deep ringing gong-type sound, one that was rather prolonged. It was repeated several times. After this I felt and heard a series of chants by an unseen group, seemingly out of my field of vision to my right.

(“I don’t know why I use the word gong,” I said. “I couldn’t imitate it. I think there’s a funny association there also with old movies. I could have picked up the chanting idea from material Jane was getting earlier this evening.”

TPS2 Deleted Session September 10, 1973 hours work nonconventional creativity inspiration

I am pulling an Oversoul Seven on you, but I am gong to give you an idea for a painting, in the next three days, waking or sleeping—I will not tell you which—but I want you to be playfully alert to it. [...]