6 results for stemmed:anticipatori

TES7 Session 297 October 26, 1966 Topper journey anticipatory Bernard fear

He knows it now in the only real way it can be known. You learned it some time ago, and he knew it intellectually. He did not understand however that fear is not practical. I am speaking of course generally, and of anticipatory fear, not the fear, quite healthy, with which a man faces a ferocious beast.

Fear, and a complete, if sometimes momentary loss of confidence, was the basic cause that led to retreat and the physical symptoms. Fear itself is damaging as such, particularly when it is anticipatory. He knew enough so that this was partially counterbalanced. Otherwise he literally would have been in worse shape.

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

Our next scheduled Seth session was for the following Monday — another day high in the 90s, and I found myself anticipatory and hopeful: Would Seth discuss some of those issues? [...]

TES4 Friday, October 15, 1965 Two Dreams by Jane Butts radio apartment staircase pack awoke

[...] I am happy and anticipatory, looking forward to seeing these apartments. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] There is some anticipatory motion, in that while in one position the body anticipates new motions—better ones—that it cannot as yet take.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 22, 1983 Georgia leg crying shoulders moved

[...] No doubt about it, good things were taking place, new things that had her upset and anticipatory at the same time. [...]

TES4 Session 189 September 20, 1965 Beach Instream York test script

[...] She also felt anticipatory. [...]