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TES7 Session 289 September 28, 1966 11/58 (19%) caffeine projection Bernard intensities emotional
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 289 September 28, 1966 9 PM Wednesday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

You recall I have told you that the intensity of an experience, rather than its duration in time, determines its effect. The intensity is emotional. With the inner perceptions there will be a traveling through of intensities. The experience is perceived simultaneously by the inner senses, but it will be translated in terms of physical time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I believe it will be found that differences will occur in the plus and minus charges in the body during such episodes. (One minute pause, eyes closed.) The girl’s emotional condition the other evening acted indeed like a psychological bridge, over which Ruburt could pass. Inner perceptions are never basically physical, you see. Basically, no perceptions are physical for that matter. Emotional patterns are quite wordless. (Long pause.) In other words, if you will forgive a pun, you can never be consciously aware of the basic inner perception, but you can follow backward to that point. You can discover how you use the data, and how you finally recognize it.

The overall climate the other evening was highly charged, and yet well balanced. Had another emotionally-oriented person been present the balance would have been upset, and nothing would have happened. Had another passive person been present, the same would apply.

There is always a time scramble, for the inner senses deal with basic data in the spacious present. Then the data must be interpreted in the time scheme of physical existence. (Long pause.) With training and experience a neutralizing element will be developed that protects Ruburt against the full emotional charge that he experienced the other evening. The organism itself forms this as a self-protective mechanism.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Now there is a tug and pull, a give and take, between you and Ruburt, as to the amount of emotional freedom you will allow yourselves. The conflict here, in the overall, results in a good balance, though of course there will be times when this is upset.

The conflict itself, you see, results in energy. Your dream projection at the window signaled that you did not want to go further at that particular point. You are afraid of emotional demonstrations, as you know. At the same time the withheld emotional energy acts as a propellant, you see.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

When I come through in an emotional manner at all, this is often transformed into the loud voice, an overvolume, a static. Ruburt has not learned as yet to transform these elements throughout the whole physical system, you see—(gesturing in a humorous way, Jane rubbed her outstretched arms alternately; eyes wide, smiling)—but focuses them at the vocal cords, which causes difficulty that I understand.

After some attempts therefore I have let this rest for now. This does not mean that I do not sense you emotionally, that you do not impress me in that manner. For many reasons having to do with such necessary cautions, I have not tried to impress you particularly with my own emotional existence, nor to communicate in that manner. (Eyes very wide and dark, manner active, gestures.)

In some ways this is unfortunate. Much of my emotional energy is used to give you this material, you see. It is behind the material. It forms intensities upon which I can build. Without this reaching out to you the material could not be delivered. When you are more proficient, we may be able to meet in some of your projections, but not for some time.

Expectation will help you here however if you use it. In these sessions we are translating basic realities into verbal terms, no mean accomplishment. Some evening however, perhaps we can have a session in which more emotional rapport is possible.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There is an interesting similarity—and this is the last I will say—between last Friday’s episode and the ways in which the dream is basically constructed—the same emotional basis and projection, the same sort of symbolism. (One minute pause.)

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

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