1 result for (heading:"190 septemb 21 1965" AND stemmed:seth)

TES4 Session 190 September 21, 1965 13/24 (54%) John Taylors Donna loud reconstruction
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 190 September 21, 1965 Approximately 9:30 PM Tuesday Unscheduled

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


[...] We played part of the 170th session, which was recorded and directed by Seth to Dr. Instream. In the middle of a passage Seth suddenly came through, saying: “Why settle for a recording when you can have the real thing?” His voice was quite strong. [...] John had never heard the loud Seth; the previous sessions he witnessed had all been quiet ones. Now Seth began to speak loudly and jovially. Rob made no notes, as Seth told him they were not necessary. [...]


John asked Seth if he knew who he, John, could get to type extra copies of the material. Seth told us that later Dr. Instream would help us out in this respect, although he didn’t know it yet. Seth said there was a woman at the college in Oswego who would do the work. Seth also told John to keep looking for someone himself: “The effort will do you good.”


John made a remark to the effect that he would like some sort of proof of Seth’s existence. Seth lit into him, saying that the voice effects were impossible for a woman of my makeup. Seth said he could just as legitimately insist that John prove his existence to him.


(As often happens when witnesses are present, Seth was in a fine and frisky mood; there is no doubt that a witness or two will produce what appears to be abundant extra energy on Seth/Jane’s part. [...] On top of this, Seth promised an excellent session at our regularly scheduled time tomorrow night.)


(We had been hunting through the taped session for particularly strong voice effects so that John could get an idea of the power of the Seth personality. [...] Her eyes closed and she switched the recorder off as she began speaking as Seth. [...]


[...] He asked Seth’s opinion concerning this plan. Seth doubted John would make the move, because of his desire for security for his family, and because of his need for cosmopolitan outlets. [...]


Seth said that no changes would occur in the organization with which John is now connected, Searle Drug, until next February at the earliest. [...] Seth said the new project would be a success if John actually bought the business.


John also asked Seth if he knew what the trouble had been when John had had a pain in his throat on June 17,1964; on this date John witnessed the 63rd session. [...] Seth now explained that this mysterious voice had been his. [...]


[...] Jane’s eyes were open for the most part by now, and she, or Seth, often looked deliberately at me, knowing my embarrassment. [...] At these points Seth would remark about using such a position to attain more power, and would talk about how impossible such an effect was for Jane to attain normally.)


Seth said the practice involved in such unscheduled sessions was good for me. In the new experiments with Dr. Instream, involving clairvoyance, Seth said enough valid information would come through to keep up Dr. Instream’s interest, even though we would do better later on.

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