1 result for (heading:"184 septemb 3 1965" AND stemmed:seth)

TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965 44/84 (52%) test Gallagher border Leonard trends
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 184 September 3, 1965 10:30 PM Friday Unscheduled

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(At this time Jane, as Seth, stood up and picked up our cat Willy. [...] “See,” Seth/Jane said, “Your pussy doesn’t know who his mistress is right now....” Actually, Seth said, Willy knows him well, having grown used to his appearances. Many many sessions ago Willy had occasionally reacted to Seth’s appearance, usually just before a session began, or at the very beginning itself.


(One disquieting subject arose after the Gallaghers had left, and Jane, Seth and I were talking quietly. Seth surprised me by mentioning our neighbor across the hall, Leonard Yaudes. [...] Seth began by saying that the following information was on the edge of Ruburt’s awareness and that he was not very well focused upon it. [...] Seth then mentioned the period from September 15 to October 15, after saying that possibly he could focus a little more intently upon the problem.


(Seth told us that he merely wanted to join in the general conversation, as he had during the unscheduled 182nd session last weekend, which the Gallaghers also witnessed. Seth requested that we continue our exchange without notes on my part and without weighty questions. [...] She smoked as she talked with us, and at times got to her feet as Seth. [...]


(At one point I remarked to Bill Gallagher that I used to have two favorite questions for Seth: “What do you do between sessions?” and “How’s my old friend Frank Watts?” Seth’s answer to my first question was “What do you do?” He now gave essentially that answer when Peggy asked my old question tonight. Commenting on Frank Watts, the personality Jane and I first contacted on the Ouija board to begin these sessions, Seth told me that there were records in town pertaining to Frank Watts, if we would stir ourselves to look for them.


(When Peggy asked him if the records pertained to Frank Watts being a teacher, Seth gave an answer I do not recall, except that I am sure it was not a direct yes or no. Frank Watts, Seth did tell us, is doing very well. Seth also said in a quietly humorous way that Frank Watts was still a fathead, as he had told us many sessions ago. [...]


(This was simply to determine if Jane herself, as Jane, could ask Seth a question, then go into trance and deliver the answer as Seth. [...] With a little urging Jane, a little self-consciously, asked Seth about what kind of a reception such a query would get from the editors at Cosmo, whether they would buy such an article, etc.


(Seth stated that the editors at Cosmo would be interested, and that in answer to Jane’s query, which would consist of a chapter from her ESP book plus a letter outlining her ideas on adapting it for the magazine, they would send a letter of interest. Such an article, Seth said, would not be immediately bought by Cosmopolitan, but would eventually. [...] Seth mentioned no time limit concerning the sale.


[...] In the meantime she worries, Seth said, about my opinion of her because the money is slow in coming. [...] I reassured Seth that I am not worried about Jane or her contributions in any way. Seth told me that Jane is pulling her weight psychically in our household, and that money will follow.


(Seth said in answer to a remark by Bill Gallagher about tattoos, that he himself had never been tattooed. [...] According to Seth, Jane and I knew Mark in Denmark in the 1600’s. Mark, Seth told us, had a large angel tattooed on his chest as a good luck charm, and believed it to be a protection against storms at sea.


(Seth said that nevertheless the government had a point when they tried to prevent public panic by denying the existence of such craft. [...] These groups would unite in declaring the craft to be Russian, that they were much advanced over anything we have; this whole furor would create panic, Seth said. [...] This would presumably be because of the impending elections, though Seth didn’t say this in so many words. [...]

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