5 results for (book:ss AND heading:introduct AND stemmed:seth)

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

It’s not unusual that students should dream of Seth, of course, or that they should dream of me. But certainly Seth has achieved independent status in their eyes and has become a vehicle of instruction even in the dream state. In other words, besides producing the continuing Seth material and this book, Seth has entered the minds and consciousness of many people.

Seth’s sentence structure has not been changed either, except in occasional instances. (A few times I made two sentences out of one long one, for example.) Much of the punctuation was indicated by Seth. In such cases, we just inserted the hyphens, semicolons, and parentheses as he suggested, and deleted the directions themselves to avoid distracting the reader. Where Seth asked for quotes, we have used double quotes; otherwise, where the meaning seems to call for them, single quotation marks are used. Seth also instructed us to underline certain words.

Proofreading involved work on Rob’s notes mainly, as he made them more presentable. In some cases, material not a part of the book was included if it seemed relevant, cast sidelights on the method of presentation, or gave insights into Seth himself. As Rob’s notes also show, Seth began dictating the Appendix as soon as the book was finished. Rather amusingly, I didn’t realize that Seth had already begun the Appendix, and I spent several days wondering just who was supposed to take care of it — and if Seth was, when he would begin.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

[...] Jane had no images of the woman Seth had been discussing. She remembered how, in early sessions, Seth had talked about a minimum of three reincarnational existences for most entities — and how “scandalized” she’d been later when she began to realize that Seth had lived many lives. [...]

[...] I told Jane I hoped Seth would discuss a dream she’d had last night. [...] Seth did analyze the dream at the end of the session, so that material is deleted from the dictation on his book.

[...] But in your terms, Seth Two is far further divorced from my reality than I am from Ruburt’s. You can imagine Seth Two as a future portion of me if you prefer, and yet far more is involved.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 588, August 2, 1971 pope bells Rome donkeys occupations

(Seth Two is dealt with at length in Chapter Seventeen of Jane’s book The Seth Material. [...] In the outline Seth gave for this book before dictation began, we were told that Seth Two would be explained. Some of our questions for Chapter Twenty had concerned Seth Two also. [...]

[...] I now watched a transformation begin to take place in Jane, as our familiar Seth retreated and Seth Two began to come to the fore. [...] Jane has often told me that whereas she feels Seth come to her in a very warm and alive and friendly manner, she feels her consciousness going out of herself to meet Seth Two — “up the invisible pyramid like a draft up a flue.” [...]

(At this writing we do not know which pope Seth referred to. When I came to type up this session I wondered if Seth-Jane’s mention of the third century might be an error. [If so, I hadn’t been quick enough to catch it; I could have asked about it at once.] Since Seth gave A.D. 300 in the class session for last May, I personally think it more likely that his papal incarnation followed this date, taking place in the fourth century. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 591, August 11, 1971 Christ Luke Matthew conspiracy crucifixion

[...] Jane and I had grown very used to living with Seth’s production of his book; we had come to look forward to each development. [...] I can feel — I know — that Seth’s going to end his book soon now, probably tonight, and I don’t want it to happen, I guess.” She’d mentioned such feelings occasionally before, since Seth began work on the last two chapters.)

[...] The following material is included because it supplements Seth’s data in Chapter Twenty-one. After Seth began that chapter Jane and I realized we could become quite interested in biblical history, but our time for learning had been brief. [...]

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971 pope populace reign Caprina churchman

(At the supper table this evening we had been speculating about the times Seth had given in connection with his life as a pope, both in the ESP class session for May 25, 1971, and the 588th session in this chapter. When I wondered if I was right in thinking it likely that Seth’s papal incarnation took place in the fourth century, Jane said she “got” the year A.D. 325. [...] To our further surprise, Seth added to the data concerning that life in tonight’s session.)

(“Good evening, Seth.”)