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NotP Introduction by Jane Roberts 29/34 (85%) psyche Cézanne sexuality bisexuality view
– The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Introduction by Jane Roberts

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


I know very well that there were evenings when I “should” have held our regular Seth session, but didn’t, for reasons also forgotten. [...] During the period that Seth was dictating this book, Rob was typing the two volumes of Seth’s previous work, The “Unknown” Reality, and adding innumerable notes that correlated Seth’s material with that of his earlier books. [...] Turn into Seth.


I’d been producing my own books during this time, and getting them ready for publication, so surely Seth wasn’t taking up any creative slack of my own. Still, I stared at Psyche when Seth finished it, wishing that he could type, too! [...] And I wondered: What must I look like to Rob as I leaned forward as Seth, smiling, (my glasses off, Seth’s eyes darker than mine), joking as Seth, gesturing, waiting while Rob got me (Jane), a beer? [...]


We were most eager to get this particular material to the public, since many correspondents write requesting Seth’s views on sexuality. This desire, coupled with Seth’s seemingly endless creativity, led us to a decision: From now on, the Seth books will carry far fewer notes. In the two volumes of The “Unknown” Reality, Rob tried to correlate Seth’s views on various subjects, tracing them backward to his earlier books (and often to unpublished material), showing the context in which the books were written. Now we will include usual session notes, but the reader will have to keep track of the development of the theories or correlate them with previous Seth books at his or her leisure.


Rob typed Seth’s other books, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, The Nature of Personal Reality, and the two volumes of The “Unknown” Reality, added his own notes, and did almost all the work of preparing them for publication. He was still working on The “Unknown” Reality when Seth finished this present book. Then almost immediately Seth began another, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events.


Is Seth actually my trance personality, though — a native of timeless psychological realms, who sends his messages to our time-tinted world? Or am I Seth’s trance personality, living in space and time, nearly forgetful of my heritage? [...] My continuing experiences, however, show me that Seth’s personality is stamped upon the sessions and his writings, and perhaps also upon my own consciousness, in unique ways.


Unless I “turn into Seth,” go the whole way, alter my very psychological alignment — unless Seth smiles and speaks — there is no Seth material. [...]


As most of our readers know, Seth began calling me Ruburt, and my husband, Rob, Joseph, early in the sessions. He explained that these were our entity names, and I was half amused to have a male one, and to find Seth referring to me as “he” or “him.” When I had classes, Seth gave many students their entity names also, and there was much lively discussion over the names’ sexual designations.


As I write this Introduction, I’ve already forgotten those many anonymous nights during which Seth, my trance personality, dictated this book. [...] One thing is certain: On session nights I went into trance and, as Seth, dictated these chapters. [...]


[...] They seem to contain an energy that comes alive in Seth’s words, so that they belong to the future as well as to the past. [...] They were enunciated in Seth’s own peculiarly accented tones; accompanied by gestures in a living performance that I hope the reader will keep in mind.


[...] But if I was in trance, was Seth also? [...] And yet I feel that only a portion of his consciousness is here during sessions — the part expressed through me — so that whatever the nature of Seth’s native experience, his performance in our world only hints of a psychological complexity quite beyond our present understanding.

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